Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rhianna: Princess of the Illuminati

Good Girl Gone Bad
By: M. Breeze
All Seeing Eye Dollar Bill | Illuminati Symbolism
This little girl has been starting controversy ever since she started to link up and do music with Jay-Z. The agenda of Rhianna has been to promote satanism and she has been doing just that. The thing about life that you have to realize is that a lot of words are written in symbolism. All across this great land of America (which was built on the foundation of GOD) are symbols and statues of pagan gods. These pagan gods are all across the country with a lot in public courthouses as well as being mounted on top of government buildings. One of these symbols that you are very familiar with is the all seeing eye of wisdom. If you don't know what I'm talking about look at the back of a dollar bill. You see the pyramid with the eye overlooking it? That is the eye of Lucifer and Rhianna has been promoting it very hard. 
"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is symbolic of the divine activity by which it is produced. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the imitations of language.
Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed. “The Secret Teachings of All Ages”, p. 38.
rihanna umbrella pyramid illuminati SatanicIf you would study symbolism you would immediately know and recognize any symbols that are hidden in subliminal messages. Shapes to some people look like shapes and to some people they look like messages. You may see a girl naked in a triangle. The triangle is a very popular shape that is seen in Free Masonry time and time again. In the book FreeMasonary: Its hidden meaning the author says the the symbolic meaning is to symbolize the perfect or divine being. Perfect or divine being...the only perfect one that I know is Jesus but obviously this is not Jesus in the picture. Rhianna has had so many symbolic meanings in her videos lately that it's not hard at all to link her to the Illuminati because she flaunts it in our faces. If the triangle represents the perfect being then this is without a doubt blasphemy against God which is everything that Satan stands for. 
Rihanna in Baphomet Pose | Illuminati Symbolism\Rihanna Adam Wesihaupt Tattoo | Illuminati SymbolismRihanna Run This Town Video Devil Horns | Illuminati Symbolism

Secret Societies and Hip Hop

It's That Serious
By: M. Breeze

Hip Hop has always had a tremendous effect on its followers and it often sets the trend. Hip Hop has transitioned from a b-boy scene to gangsta rap to drug dealer. I'm a fan of hip hop but I have learned to do what few people are doing, paying attention. Hip Hop has always been a way to pass word around to our people subliminally. But it seems that the music industry has changed and now subliminal messages are being directed back at us by Hollywood. 

The Black Woman
It's very rare that I see a black woman being portrayed as a positive image in a rap video. And that has adverse effects on how the world views black women. I don't think that these artists and video models understand the true damages that they cause to our black youth. Media outlets like Youtube enable these young girls to upload videos exposing themselves to the world, but can you blame them? They are only doing what they see on t.v. and they believe that this is what they must do. The way that the media has portrayed the black woman is no better than a piece of meat. please notice that I am not talking about all black women but the way that Hip Hop advertises the few makes the majority look bad.
Dope Boy Lifestyle
The message that is being passed on to the youth is a "live fast die young" mentality. These music videos show rappers with flashy jewelry, fast cars and pretty women, something the industry has convinced young black men that they must have. But the only difference is that the brother working at McDonalds will never have these things and the industry makes sure to confirm this. So now instead of going to college many brothers are instead trying to pick up a mic and chase the dream and the lifestyle. But it seems like in Hip Hop if you are not talking about dope you wont sell. And from what I'm hearing if you truly wanna be successful then you might think about selling your soul.

From what I hear the Illuminati, whether real or fake, has it's hands in the Hip-Hop community. Many people have spoken out against these individuals but their pleas often fall on deaf ears. Many artists have spoken out such as 2Pac, Pimp-C, and the most famous Professor Griff. Professor Griff was a member of Public Enemy back in the late 80's early 90's. I won't spend too much time on what he said so I posted a video to let you hear them for yourself. All I'm going to say about this dude is wow, and I believe every word that comes out of his mouth. Even Jay-Z and Rhianna have been linked to the Illuminati and they aren't very shy about showing their symbols that the Illuminati often uses. 

The Youth
We all know how easily kids can be influenced and it's not a secret that the industry has it's influence on boys. We all know that saggin is niggas spelled backwards and it was originated in prison to display that you wanted anal sex. The industry got a hold of this and blasted it to millions of youth on networks like MTV and BET. No offense to the gay community but at one point of time those guys were the only one to wear those skinny jeans and now thanks to Lil Wayne the country is wearing them. Do you get my point? I wish people would open up their eyes and listen to what is going on in the country. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Str8 Up Radio: Live N Ya Muthafuckin Earhole

By: M. Breeze

With the power of the Internet I cant help but notice how the crew of Str8 Up Radio is making noise. In a city where there are rappers trying to make it in the hip hop world there are few people who you can trust that will play your music to their listening audience. All that shit has changed. Thanks to Lamark "That Boy" Hill and Josh "J-Brad" Bradshaw, independent artists can now get their music played in a steady rotation.
I wouldn't blog about somebody if I thought that they were full of shit. I've personally known these cats for about 6 years now and I'm glad to see them doing their thing. Lamark "that boy" Hill Hails from the city of Coppers Cove Texas and is a veteran of the U.S. Army and served two tours in Iraq. The tatted up Josh "J-Brad Bradshaw comes stomping out of Baton Rouge La. and just like me that boy is a louisianimal. Streaming live on Thursday nights at 8, these dudes have a growing fan base that is quickly starting to spread around the country and thanks to 504dablogman they will now be internationally known on the microphone. If you are an independent artist and you wanna get your song out there, these are the dudes you want to do it for you. And how about this shit they sometimes call me from the show to get the Word on the Street. At the current time I am currently working on a song that I plan on releasing on the show and I already have a couple of features with That Boy Hill that we made years ago.
Make a long story short if you are an artist that is hungry and you serious about your career taking off you're looking in the right direction. Str8 Up Radio is the future of radio and these dudes are leading the way. Stay up my brothers and don't stop what y'all doing because the streets need you.
One love.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Eat all you want and don't gain a pound: Low Calorie foods that do the work for you

It seems like the last ten years everyone has tried all kinds of diets that result in rapid weight loss and then rapid weight gain. People now a days will advertise anything that they think will make people lose weight and consumers believe them. It kills me when people eat fast food on a daily basis and complain to the restaurant about how their food is making them and their families fat. I'm starting to wonder if people have forgotten about the fat free foods that God placed here for us. Just in case you have here is a list of vegetables and fruit that can have a serious effect on weight loss. You can eat all you want to and receive little calories while helping your body at the same time.

Apricots: Apricots are loaded with beta carotene which helps fight cancer and heart disease. Apricots are loaded with vitamins A, C and E. eating this food can lower your risk of macular degeration, which is the cause for age related vision loss.

Tomatoes: This vegetable can protect you against prostate cancer and eliminate free radicals that build up from exposure to u. v. rays.

Summer Squash: The one vegetable guaranteed to make you full. This vegetable has half the calories of its brother, winter squash.

Cucumbers: Loaded with vitamins A and K it also has a beneficial amount of potassium. There is also a nutrient called Sillica which helps to rebuild and maintain any connection tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons).

Asparagus: This vegetable has a very nice load of vitamins A, K and the folic acid vitamin B. The role of vitamin B is to help breakdown sugar and starch. It has been said that eating this can help to fend off type 2 diabetes.

Mushrooms: The ugly superfood! Digesting mushrooms helps your body to produce metabolites that boost your immune system and fight cancer.

Strawberries: One of the most anti-oxidants rich fruits that you can eat. 1 cup of strawberries gives us more than 100% of the recommended intake of vitamin C.

Broccoli: Quit hating because 1 cup of broccoli contains more fiber and vitamin C as an orange.

Cauliflower: I know that these are nasty but some people still do eat them. 1cup of boiled cauliflower has the full daily recommendation of vitamin C

Watermelon: If you are really interested in losing weight consider eating watermelon. Watermelon is loaded with a fat burning supplement called arginine. Arginine can seriously burn fat better than fat burners.

Spinach: I'm strong to the finish cuz I eats me spinach. Popeye is the reason why a lot of us started to eat spinach. Spinach has a bunch of nutrients that are good for our body. The list includes vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium. Spinach also has a hormone that allows muscle tissue to repair itself faster.

Celery: It's a proven fact that celery can relax the muscle tissue inside of our artery walls which will increase blood flow. This can lower your blood pressure.

Turnips: These are a good source of fiber, calcium and potassium. Turnips also carry cancer fighting glucosinolates.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Juvenile Arrested In Miami After Lil Wayne Concert

Juvenile Mugshot from Miami Beach Arrest by NowPublic Staff\
Huh Bruh!
By: M. Breeze

New Orleans rapper Juvenile was arrested in Miami last night after a fight broke out inside a night club and continued out into the front of the club. Juvenile had just performed with Lil Wayne earlier in the evening. People automatically thought that the fight was between Weezy and Juve but sources quickly claimed that to be false including Juvenile. It's a shame how people hate on other people for what they have accomplished or what they have. I'm sure that this fight either broke out over some haters or either a woman.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Former NBA star Eric Williams went H.A.M. on Evelyn Lozada on his Twitter account recently. These tweets were funny and I had to repost them for my peeps overseas.

#The_UNseeN_BEinG ‏@EricWilliamsYO
Trouble in Chaddy-Dise!!! @EvelynLozadasay, are u gonna Keep the #lastname like your apprentice @IamJennifer trying 2do… Ha ha.. Gotcha!
#The_UNseeN_BEinG ‏@EricWilliamsYO
I guess @EvelynLozada really do like rough#sex.. a little over-board this time Chaddy… I said it..
#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYO
At @evelynLozada, I bet ur ass wont be making any appearances… u can always come 2 #KnoTingHam_Palace… We have the cure 4that #knot.
#The_UNseeN_BEinG ‏@EricWilliamsYO
New Show VH-1 ”2Bumps u Cant get enuf” Starring: Eric “Knot chO Cheese” Williams & Evelyn “Chad Head-Butted you” Lozada Who’s Watching???
#The_UNseeN_BEinG ‏@EricWilliamsYO
Hey @EvelynLozada…… I bet that #knot on your head more #shinier than mine….#Prince_of_NewARK
#The_UNseeN_BEinG ‏@EricWilliamsYO“What? Condoms?? F**k u talkN bout” I miss 3 catches 2day dont start no sh*t @evelynLozada, Bammmmm! (head-butt) I told u quick F**kN 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chad Johnson Loses Endorsement

Sportscenter has informed us that Chad Johnson has lost his deal with Zico who produces cocunut water. The endorsement came only days after Chad was released by the Miami Dolphins for assaulting his wife Evelyn Lozada.  I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this just listen to the 911 call made by a neighbor of Chad and Evelyn.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ladies Show Your Man You Love Him

If I could recommend my two favorite Polo colognes these would be them. Take my word for it they smell great and they would make a good gift for any man. Click on the link to purchase or get any additional information.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Chad Johnson Cut From The Miami Dolphins

It's not like we didn't see this coming
By: M. Breeze

Let's just get straight to the point here. We all know that Ochocinco is a person who will do whatever it takes to get in front of a camera, the man is a media whore.  I was laughing hard as hell when he proposed to his fiance Basket Ball Wives star (loosely said) Evelyn and she accepted. I honestly felt that the engagement was "arranged" so that the two could rake in the ratings with their own television show Ev and Ocho. So everything was going good until today. Apparently Evelyn found a receipt for a box of condoms and confronted Chad. I wasn't there but i'm pretty sure shit got real and he wind up head butting her and sent her to the hospital. I don't approve of domestic violence but when you have two people who are known for.....fucking try to settle down and be faithful to each other someone is bound to release the whore that lurks within. So you know what happens with domestic violence and Chad spends a few hours behind bars. OK, so now that's the story right? Wrong. While Chad was in jail his professional football team the Miami Dolphins was having practice. Chad was released on bail to find out that he was dropped from his team because of the incident. And now  after that their reality show has also been dropped. I could have told him that Evelyn was not a good fit for him but I think that the man was looking at the dollars involved with being married to her. In the words of a wise man "stupid is as stupid does" and I hope that these two get it together.           "Chad Ochocinco 24kt Gold Coin and Photo - Cincinnati Bengals" (Google Affiliate Ad)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why You Should Grow Your Own Vegetables

By: M. Breeze
How many times a month do you go into the grocery store and buy things that are supposed to be free? Do you realize the amount of money that you are throwing away on a daily basis? I don't think you do because if you did you would consider other options.

One thing that I can promise you is the crap vegetables that you buy from your grocery store is doing more harm than good. Have you taken into consideration the chemicals that are used on these fruits and vegetables. Do you know the harm that these pesticides do to your body as well as the environment. Chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life for an extra couple of weeks to prevent spoilage. People buy these items and prepare them for their families thinking they are doing a good thing.

In order to protect yourself from a new generation of diseases that will stem from eating poisoned food you need to take charge of what you buy from these stores. The best way to prevent this is to grow your own food. You are the only person that you can trust to grow your food. Whether you have acres of land to plow or a city apartment patio you can make a difference. What is that you like? From seed broccoli takes 43 days before you can eat it and you can grow enough on a patio to last you for a year! So everyone eat safe, be fit and plant your own food.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Men Do What They Do

Why do men do what they do? By: M. Breeze A close friend of mine (@darbae32) asked me a question today. She wanted to know the answer to a question that every woman has asked them selves at least once. For centuries women have asked the same question, "why do men do the stupid shit they do"? The answer is very simple, we don't feel that it is stupid. I mean really what is the problem here? So what if you think our friends are stupid, we like them and that's why they are our friend. If women would take the time out to figure out why they are different from us they may understand why we do what we do. I hear it from women all over the world and it's the same story no matter the race.  The biggest problem that the average woman faces from her spouse is infidelity. I don't need any scientific proof that men cheat because I know men who cheat on their spouses.  I see the pain that is caused by the cheating spouse and the lack of trust that is displayed by the spouse who was played. But ladies before you slice his tires and take a ride to the other woman's job, think and ask yourself what role did you play to make him destroy your relationship. This is what the average woman fails to look into. Examine yourself and your actions. Are you that same woman that he first met? Do you still put on the smell good lotions, get your hair done and keep your vaginal jungle under control? As silly as it may sound these may be the reasons that your guy chose you out of the rest of the women in the world. Do what you have to do to keep him interested in you.  Trust me ladies when I say that we guys can go out and come home late it doesn't mean that we are out having sex with other women. Truth be told we probably got hung up playing Madden and just lost track of time. Ever since he entered the relationship with you he has had to shun some of his friends just because you don't like them. You don't think about how this drastic feminine decision can make his friends hate him.  You fail to realize that he has broken the code bros over hoes, thus elevating you to a position that demands respect from the circle of bros. I believe that women don't understand why we do what we do and this is where the problems arise.   So we all know that the few bad guys ruin it for the good guys in the world. Every man knows what I'm talking about. We have all had that one lady that has been in a bad relationship and we already start the relationship under scrutiny. Where is the trust? Just because your last two boyfriends fucked you over it does not give you the right to treat the next one like shit. It's not fair to us or the next person in line. Ask yourself how are you in the bedroom? Are you boring or fun?Are you a missionary style girl or will you let a nigga wreck shop? Does he jump at the opportunity to get you undressed or do you feel that he doesn't appreciate you in bed? If you chose the latter of the two you guys have issues that stem from the bedroom, which will lead to other problems if left undressed. Let me assure you that what you won't do for him someone else will. A big problem in the African American community is that a lot of black women are not in touch with themselves sexually. Notice I did not say all of them but most. Alot of brothers have the idea that if my girl won't do it I'll find a white girl to. This bedroom issue can easily be resolved. Try watching a porn with your guy and imitate exactly what the actress is doing. Please him and let him see the freak in you and I guarantee he will start to respond more positively during sex.  I will follow this article with "why do women do what they do". I may even get a guest writer to do it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Rickey Smiley Morning Show

The Rickey Smiley Morning Show
By: M. Breeze
If you have a job or a reason to get in the car in the morning then you have a good reason to tune in to the Rickey Smiley Morning Show. If you like to laugh and have a good time then this is your crew. We all know that Rickey Smiley is a damn fool all by himself, but with his team they help take this morning show to a whole other level. From the moment you turn it on until the moment you pull into your job you will crack up the entire time.

The entire cast is awesome from Gary with the T, who covers the latest gossip and often keeps us cracking up when he talks about the clothing that the other cast members are wearing. The beautiful Ebony Steele has me rolling, especially when she goes through her silly spells.  One of my favorite segments on the show is her "Aint nobody got time for that" segment when she speaks the truth about what aint nobody got time for.

On some real shit I have to hear Juicy sing the WAKE EM UP WAKE EM UP song and then that's when I start to get crunk and bouncing in the car. Juicy is my favorite member of the show and when she laughs in the background I crack up. I think we can all agree that Kelly Rowland's song Motivation was alright until Ms. Juicy got ahold of it and cranked it up. AND NOW ROCK T's JOKE OF THE DAYYYYYyyyyyyyyAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!
Rock T and Head Crack are both some damn fools and I was cracking up with they were talking to the the female restroom attendant and how they hound you and make you feel uncomfortable when you in the club restroom.

And then there is Rickey Smiley who needs no introduction. The thing I like about this dude is although he is funny the dude knows the Lord and I respect that about him. Dude is as funny as they come and on the show he seems to be funnier. I'm always listening to this cat and I faithfully wait for Bernice Jenkins and the church announcements so I can govern myself accordingly. For my overseas readers try and google the show or listen to some clips on youtube.com. I'm proud of the crew and I wish them the most success with their careers and with their lives.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What's Wrong with White Pride?

What's Wrong with White Pride?  By: M. Breeze Being an 6 foot 4 inch tattoo riddled African American man whose motto is "what I need a shirt for" I don't see the problem with being proud of who you are.  But in this country being ethno-centric is considered a problem. While I agree that believing that your race is better than another's is ludacris, what's wrong with believing in your self and trying to preserve your race? I'll be the first to admit that the black race is a long way from where we need to be. Some of it comes from the lack of opportunities that we were given, but most of it is simply our own fault.  I often hear my people saying that the "white man" is holding them back. They can't get a good job because of their lack of education.  I hear that white kids get better schooling than inner city blacks and that may be true but what is stopping you as a parent from moving your kids to those same schools so that they have a better opportunity? When will we accept the responsibilities that come along with being a human being? Quit blaming your problems on white people and take care of your business.  Let's look at my life in brief and how the odds were stacked against me. I was born in Louisiana in the early 80s and was raised during the crack epidemic. Born in a poor section surrounded by brokenness I often ran the streets trying to  make a easy dollar while trying to survive at the same time.  Not once was I taught to value another black persons life. Instead I was taught to bust a nigga head if someone ever tried me.  Where was the Black Pride that dominated the 60s and 70s? Where were our leaders, who did we have to look up too? Since we didn't have a Barack Obama and other leaders such as Reverends Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were considered timid by the younger generation we often looked up to the only role models we see.....drug dealers. Even in high school I really wanted to attend college but a football injury ended my chances of a scholarship, which many black males, including myself, viewed as the only way to go to college. Being a smart young man I enlisted in the Military a few months before 9/11 knowing that the military would pay for my college. To make a long story short I'll be graduating in 4 months with my Bachelors degree in Human Resources.  You have to take control of your own destiny regardless of what others will think of you. Taking charge of your life allows you to pin your failures or success on yourself and no one else. When you succeed, succeed hard and when you fail, fail forward learn from your mistakes and keep your head up.  If you look at how white people raise their kids we can see that we raise our kids differently. We don't believe the same things and we each teach our kids differently. White kids are taught at an early age that they are smart, special and beautiful. How many black men have heard that they won't amount to shit, just like their fathers? How many black mothers are stressed out with the outcome of their lives and take it out on their kids? How many black parents teach their kids that being black is beautiful and that they can be whatever they put their minds to? So the next time you hear a white person hold a sign that says white power don't hate that person just recognize his boldness and try to install some sense of pride about your self! Be proud that you are a black person and take pride in your race. Do what you can to help others to reach their goals. What happened to your "Black Pride"? Where did it go? Play the hand that you were dealt and don't let em see you sweat! Keep your poker face on and lets get it!$

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Episode 2 review

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta episode 2 review By: M. Breeze Awww man last nights show of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta was off the chain. First off,  I don't understand why some hoes can be so fucking stupid! Let's look at this tramp Joseline who makes herself look retarted as fuck. I usually don't take shots at people unless they deserve it and let me be the one to throw the first stone. First off does anyone notice that this bitch can't talk? It's like her jaw is disconnected and she struggles with her syllables. When she talks I start to get mad because she sound like Sexy Redd from the Rickey Smiley prank phone calls. Next, what's up with the boob job? Women have plastic surgery all of the time so seeing some ridiculous tittys on a chick is nothing new. But Joseline's boob job make her look more like a man. Call me crazy if you want too but this is Atlanta, the A town, which was once a playboys paradise has now become the Mecca for homosexuals and transgender people. If you think I'm lying take a trip to Midtown and notice who lives there! This is the place for a man/woman like Joseline to thrive and be accepted. After last weeks season premiere episode people took to Twitter to question the true gender of the stripper turned hooker turned rapper. After thousands and I mean thousands of people tweeted that she was a tranny Joseline released a naked photo of herself and then she tried to delete it. The only problem is that it takes only one retweet and your caught. I've seen the pic and even though I see a pussy I'm still not convinced even if she is pregnant.  So last night Joseline took a pregnancy test and presented it to her "man" Stevie J who quickly asked who was she pregnant for. I guess she expected a different response. She honestly believes that she can win the heart of this man by telling him that she is pregnant and he told her that she needed to handle that on your own time.  Now here is where I see a blind woman opening her eyes. Stevie J's girlfriend MiMi took matters into her own hand and had her lawyer draw up a contract that gives her 10% of Joseline's money and 10% of Stevie J's.  When she announced to Joseline that she will be more "hands on" the look on her strong ass face was priceless.  But enough of this tranny we have more cast to cover.  Rasheeda also graced us with her presence and at first it was cool. Then the ghetto started coming out. If its one thing I can't stand its a pretty woman that acts like a man. Did anyone see the way she talks to her husband? I wish my wife would talk to me like that (I'd probably deal with it), homie has more patience than I do. The issue that happened with Rasheeda was that she wanted a high production video because she feels that this album will be the one that will launch her to superstardom. The hubby booked the video crew to shoot the video but Rasheeda was 2 hours late and when she showed up she showed out. To me it seems that Rasheeda was ashamed to tell people she was married. I heard her on one of the radio stations here in Atlanta and even though she said she was married the way she said it was like.....I'm married......for 12 years except in a very sarcastic way.  Then it's the situation between Lil Scrappy, who still has a lot of growing up to do, and his baby mother. Now to me it seems that the baby momma has the most sense out of everybody on the show but she is trying to work it out with Scrappy who acts like a 3 year old. I kind of feel bad for this broad and then again I don't. She was foolish to take him back after Diamond dumped him for Soulja Boy. Is it the name that she is holding on too? Seriously, when is the last time that you heard Lil Scrappy on the radio while you were stuck in traffic? Should've taken that money and gotten yourself a degree buddy.

Monday, June 25, 2012


BIGGA BREAKFAST RADIO SHOW: KANYE WEST TALKS KIM KARDASHIAN, AMBER ROSE AND WI...: Kanye West confirms that he “fell in love” with Kim Kardashian, disses her ex-husband Kris Humphries and gives his two cents on his own ex...

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta

If I had to find the words to describe Love and Hip hop Atlanta I would simply say ratchet. If you watched the first episode you may have witnessed the ratchetness that I saw. First off shout out to the mother of Atlanta rapper Lil Scrappy Mother D. I love who she is and the lady keeps it GANGSTA! So we found out the deal behind Former Crime Mob rapper Diamond and Lil Scrappy's break up. According to the on again off again gf of Scrappy, "Diamond left Scrappy for........Soulja Boy" Yulllllll! The homie Stevie J is doing his thing on the show even though he makes his woman look like a fucking duck. Homegirl is looking mighty foolish as she begs for confirmation that Stevie J is not fucking his female Rap artist Joseline, who responded to a few haters on twitter about her being a man lol. Make sure to watch tonight lol.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lebron Finally Gets His Ring

By: M. Breeze

The no championship jokes from 2003-2012 have been laid to rest, they will be missed. Point blank, Lebron worked on his game in the off season. Did you see the look that was in his eyes this playoff series? The man is a beast and you all know it. Regardless of how you look at other athlethes such as Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant you would be foolish to say that James won't eat them for breakfast. I'm just saying congrats big dog and I can't wait to see what yall do next year.

Sandusky Guilty!!!

It's finally over, the Penn State football coach has been charged with 45 counts of fucking little boys. I'm glad that they caught his old ass and I bet God isn't happy with his decisions. I won't speak too much on this because I can't stand child molestors. To read the Yahoo.com article please
click here.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ga man awarded $3 Million after he died during a threesome

To read on this full story click here To read full story click here

How Twitter Can End You Relationship

Twitter Gone Wild
By: M. Breeze
With the powers of social media as strong as they are today it's no secret that you can connect with people of the opposite sex (or same) through social networks like Twitter. Sure, it's only a harmless networking site that has helped people to achieve their dreams in life. But it's also a virtual whore-house.

Is your better half always scrolling down their Twitter page and updating every chance that they could? Chances are they may have a Twitter GF/BF on the side. The Twitter jump off may be someone that they never will meet in person, but they spend time with on the regular. If you think I'm joking ask around. I guarantee that most of your friends have admitted to having some kind of relationship with another person on Twitter.

It's not a secret that there are some scandalous women on Twitter. Some of these broads participate in trends like #mirrormonday #tittytuesday #wetwednesday #thongthursday and many more. The funny thing is these women think that they are famous in the eyes of their followers. I wonder where the fathers of these lonely insecure girls were when they needed them the most. What goes through a woman's mind that makes them want to strip naked and participate in these trends.

To make a long story short ladies, keep your fellows away from Twitter or try and see who they are following and who is following them. It's a real easy find if you wanna protect whats rightfully yours. Because if you lose your man/woman to a virtual pimp on Twitter....you deserve it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Y.E.B.: Marley Movie Tralier (Video)

Y.E.B.: Marley Movie Tralier (Video): MARLEY will make its North American premiere at SXSW. Magnolia Pictures will release theatrically and on VOD on Friday, April 20th.

Beyonce's going back to school

By: M. Breeze
We all know how important education is. It may determine if you are reading this post at a library or in your king sized bed (like me). I'm the type that tries to push education upon all of my friends becaus I want my circle to be educated. 

Well rumor has it that R&B superstar Beyonce is going back to school to continue her education. If you look up her profile it says that she graduated from a high school in Texas, but many people are saying that this is not so. Think about it the girl has been in the spotlight since she was 14 years old. When would she have time to graduate. The singer is reported to have been tutored since then but has never officially graduated from high school. 

The singer was spotted going into the W. 35th Street Alternative Education Complex in Brooklyn, New York carrying either a laptop or a computer. I hope that she continues her education and motivate other young women out there to do the same.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's in your meat?

What’s In Your Meat?
By: M. Breeze

            Sunday is here and you can’t wait to watch the game with your friends and fire up the grill. The choices of meat for today are huge chicken breast, leg quarters and your famous grilled steak. You may even get a compliment on the size of the chicken from your friends, and then you start to wonder. How did this chicken get so big? Truth is a majority of our meat that we eat are being treated with growth hormones to increase the size of the animal. Now that you know that are you going to allow this to enter into your body? Have you taken the time to wonder, what’s in my meat? Millions of Americans have asked this question only to find that growth hormones are being placed in our foods and it is affecting our health. The usage of hormones in our meat is the cause for a lot of diseases that we are faced with today. In this paper I’m going to discuss the approval for the use of growth hormones, the dangers on the body from the consumption of meat, and the diseases that are linked to growth hormones.

            In the early 1950’s the Food and Drug Administration approved for the use of numerous steroid hormones to be injected into beef, sheep, and chicken. The FDA decided to go with a pellet that would be placed behind the animals’ ear and it would dissolve over time. According to the FDA “These drugs increase the animals’ growth rate, the efficiency by which they convert the feed they eat into meat, and the leanness of their meat. The FDA approves these drugs only after extensive studies have shown that the food from the treated animals is safe for people to eat, and that the drugs do not harm the treated animal or the environment. The drugs also have to work as intended.”  (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2011). With the earth’s population on a rise we do need more to eat, but are growth hormones the answer? Animals who receive growth steroids are larger than animals that don’t and they produce more meat. More meat can feed more people. More people will spend more money; see how easy it may be to get on the gravy train? Money is the reason why farmers would even consider using hormones. On one hand I understand why they approved it. On the other hand it bothers me that it exists.

            Although hormones are used to increase the yields of meat they have been linked to negative health effects on the human body. Consumption of high levels of red meat have been linked to the risk of women getting breast cancer before they reach menopause. Hormones in food have also been linked to a lowered immune system also. A lowered immune system can be detrimental to our health rBHT, a growth hormone,  is a genetically engineered copy of the naturally occurring hormone in cows, is used to increase milk production on cattle as well as a 20% growth. According to Dr. Hall, “growth hormones increase a cow's chances of getting mastitis, or udder infection, severe reproductive problems, and digestive disorders. These growth hormones can also make humans sick by lowering the strength of the immune system functioning, increasing a person's susceptibility to getting sick” (Hall, 2010).  With that being said it’s funny how the FDA allows the use of growth hormones in our food, and we can’t do anything about it. Although not proven the implantation of hormones into U.S. beef may have adverse human health effects.

            Some drugs that are used as hormones have been linked to diseases such as cancer. One in particular is the drug Paylean. Paylean is used primarily in pork and has been the drug of choice for pork farmers because of the daily gains in meat production. The thing that baffles me is even though the FDA approved the use of Paylean in 1999, the USDA warns people not to touch it with their bare hands and do not inhale it. The label on Paylean clearly states that this product is not for human use and people with cardiovascular diseases should do their best to stay clear of the product. So how it is that the FDA allows pork farmers to use it with no consequences? No matter how you like it there is a 95% that the hot dog you consumed is loaded with this deadly drug. Not all countries agree with the use of this. Apparently China has learned about the dangers of this drug and refuses to purchase pork that has been treated with Paylean from America. If the Chinese government understands the dangers of Paylean why doesn’t our government do the same? The answer is profit. According to Barbara L. Minton, “Conventional hog producers love Paylean because it improves feed efficiency by 13 percent, and increases average daily gain in hogs by 10 percent. It reduces average daily feed intake by 6 percent, and increases lean gain by 25 to 37 percent according to research results. Use of Paylean can net a pork producer an additional $5 to10 per hog. A producer who runs a fairly large operation can increase profits by $320,000 a year or more by using Paylean” (Minton, 2009). I can guarantee that these farmers have a different stable with the pork in it that they eat. It would be silly for them to consume the hormone infested meat and they know the consequences.

            It has been said that low levels of dietary steroids should not affect a human being in any way. Even though they say it’s safe, many people are becoming concerned with the thought of the levels of steroids in our food. It’s not just our meat, since we drink milk from cows we have been exposed to the dangers that have been placed in our milk.  The milk that we drink has been said to have high levels of estrogen, which has been linked to early ovulation in females and earlier puberty ages. It’s true that estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are naturally occurring hormones that the body produces and they are necessary for the reproduction, growth and development of animals as well as humans. According to the FDA, “People are not at risk from eating food from animals treated with these drugs because the amount of additional hormone following drug treatment is very small compared with the amount of natural hormones that are normally found in the meat of untreated animals and that are naturally produced in the human body” (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2011).  Although not proven, high consumption levels of estrogen in milk are believed to have links to cancer in the ovaries, testicles and breast.

What does this effect have on our children? Since a majority of kids have milk with their cereal everyday how does this affect their bodies?  In 1956, a study was done with Mongolian 3rd graders who were exposed to American milk. After a month of giving the kids milk from American cow’s their hormone levels jumped. The high levels of estrogen in our milk may be the blame.  But why would the government allow the use of high levels of estrogen?  Many of the cows that are milked for dairy are milked on average about 300 times a year. A majority of the time the animals are pregnant and they have 33 times more estrogen than the milk that comes from a non-pregnant cow. Since the female human body naturally produces estrogen, consuming extra may lead to early puberty and the development of breast. This may be the reason why some kids look much older than they really are.  Once it was approved by the FDA, Obovine somatotropin (BST) was injected into cows and was seen to increase milk production by as much as 50%. That’s a good thing right? More milk for the kids and adults to enjoy on a daily basis. Here is the funny part; BST is a naturally produced hormone which is secreted from the cow’s milk gland. The problem is that the FDA allowed cows to be injected with a synthetic BST, even though it’s produced naturally by cows. It’s like injecting a man with more testosterone, there are bound to be side effects.  Milk has once been described as “nature’s perfect food” but today that may be far from the truth. The hormones in milk and meat have also been linked to gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. In one school in Italy, nearly one in three boys aged 3 to 5 and more than half of boys aged 6 to 10 were found to have enlarged breasts, and the hormones in meat were suspected to have caused the disorder. I know the FDA knows about this but they choose to do nothing about it. What can we do about it? You can stop drinking milk, but seriously, what are we going to eat with our delicious processed Captain Crunch Cereal.  

            Everyone knows that diseases have been on the rise every day and it’s not hard to see where they come from. We are consuming products that are making us sick on a daily basis. We know the dangers of certain foods but we choose to ignore the warnings. Our health may have to pay the price for our foolishness. Although there are no studies that have been produced to link the hormones in meat to breast cancer, it’s hard to deny the fact that this is where it begins. Even though the FDA says that hormones are safe for human consumption, have you ever heard of any tests being performed that may prove otherwise? I doubt it. According to David Gutierrez "Increased levels of sex hormones are linked to the escalating incidence of reproductive cancers in the United States since 1975 - 60 percent for prostate, 59 percent for testis and 10 percent for breast" (Gutierrez, 2011). America also has the highest levels of breast cancer compared to any other country except for Switzerland, whose national food is cheese. Compared to other countries that do not use growth hormones in their food we have the highest disease rate.

            Another rising factor in this country is the rising number of Prostate cancer recipients. As I stated in the previous paragraph these diseases which were minor at one point are causing Americans to wonder what is going on. According to research done by the Cancer Project “Prostate cancer is one of the leading cancers among men in the U.S., and researchers have explored a number of possible dietary factors contributing to prostate cancer risk. These include dietary fat, saturated fat, dairy products, and meat, as well as dietary factors that may decrease risk, such as the consumption of carotenoids and other antioxidants, fiber, and fruit. As with breast cancer risk, a man’s intake of dietary fat, which is abundant in meat and other animal products, increases testosterone production, which in turn increases prostate cancer risk” (The Cancer Project, 2009). It has us scared to eat because everything that we thought may be bad for us. Although the hormones in our food have not been linked to the cause of prostate cancer, the increase in the number of people who have it are alarming. No matter what the FDA says, I believe that this is the case. My personal opinion may not hold up in a court of law but I’m sure I can make a difference. Second to lung cancer, prostate cancer is the number 2 killer among men in the United States. Men who consume the most meat and dairy products are at risk to have contract prostate cancer. Since meat grilling is “manly” in this country and we are blind to the fact of what’s in our meat we are killing ourselves slowly.

            The next leading killer, colon cancer, has also stolen the spotlight in men’s health. A research done by a Harvard study group suggests that people who eat red meat and pork on a daily basis are three times as likely to receive colon cancer as those who didn’t. Now scientists consider a lot of red meat 3.5 ounces. That’s less than a quarter pounder from McDonalds. So it’s safe to say a burger a day may lead your colon astray. Colon cancer has been on the rise since the late 80s and the numbers keep on rising. With no cure in sight, the government should step in and do something about the hormones that are being placed in our food.

            In conclusion, I strongly recommend the government gives the use of hormones a second look. It’s obvious that the epidemic of diseases and the excessive weight gain of our youth come from the use of growth hormones in our food. We can’t deny the fact that we don’t even know what’s organic anymore, because even organic foods aren’t as pure as we think. We as people do have the right to know what we are eating and how it affects our bodies. The government should ban these hormones from being used and should fine manufacture who use these products on their livestock as well. I recommend that everyone really pays attention to what they are eating on a daily basis. The chicken nuggets that we feed on a daily basis can be as damaging in the long run as second hand smoke. Make organic meat cheaper and hormone treated meat more expensive. Dear Uncle Sam, give us a chance to live. So before you take the bite of that hotdog off of the grill take a moment and think what’s in your meat.

Works Cited

Gutierrez, D. (2011, November 11). Hormones in U.S. Beef Linked to Cancer Risk. Retrieved from http://www.all-creatures.org/health/fh-linked.html

Hall, D. P. (2010, October 18). What are the dangers of growth hormones in food. Retrieved from www.livestrong.com: www.livestrong.com/...the-dangers-of-growth-hormones-in-food

Minton, B. (2009, March 17). Paylean: Drug in Conventionally Raised Meat Linked to Cancer and Heart Disease. Retrieved from http://www.naturalnews.com/025861.html

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2011, Feburary 2). Steroid Hormone Implants Used for Growth in Food-Producing Animals. Retrieved from www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/SafetyHealth/ProductSafety.

The Cancer Project. (2009, March 14). The Cancer Project. Retrieved from Diet and Cancer Research: http://www.cancerproject.org/diet_cancer/facts/meat.php


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kanye and Kim Kardashian Sextape?

Kanye West & Kim Kardashian

I don't know how true this is and I seriously doubt it but the word is that Kim and Kayne have always had a thing for each other. You can dig into this story by checking out MTO . I've skimmed the surface of this and who knows.....I may dig a little deeper.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Geraldo Rivera Blames Travon Martin for his own death.

It's a well known fact that whenever Geraldo gets on television something overtakes him. It seems like a stupid spell comes over him. From the time he got his nose broke, saying Obama was dead instead of Osama. I especially can't forget the time he put my own life in danger by discussing troop movement while he was broadcasting in Iraq. But this time he has said some shit that was so stupid even his own son thinks he is a dumb ass.

This is one of the stupid ignorant comments that he has made. "But I am urging the parents of black and Latino youngsters particularly to not let their children go out wearing hoodies,” Rivera insisted. “I think the hoodie is as much responsible for Trayvon Martin’s death as George Zimmerman was.”

Bobby Brown's sister blames Ray J for the death of Whitney Houston

Say it ain't so?
By: M. Breeze

Man I tell you that this is one of the craziest years and it isn't even half way through. As you all probably have noticed that this is the first post that I have made with anything to do with Whitney Houston. But today calls for an exception because of of the Brown's has decided to let the nigga in them show.

Whitney's autopsy revealed that she drowned in the bath tub and this was the cause of death. How ever, cocaine as well as prescription drugs were also in her system.  And then on a recent interview Leolah Brown, sister of Houston's ex-husband Bobby Brown, started pointing the finger at Ray J for the death of Whitney Houston. She is quoted as saying  "I saw Ray J coming out of the hotel, hiding his head, being pushed into the car," she told Drew. "Why? I looked and I said, 'why is he hiding his face?' He's always trying to show his face when he's around Whitney. Why now? Why are you trying to hide now Ray J?"

Word on the street is that the kid Ray J has been battling his own addiction and fighting his own demons as well. Ray J has denied the fact that he had anything to do with her death and he was in San Diego at the time. Homie is part of the money team...and he even slapped the shit out of Fab at a party last year. We gonna have to wait this one out and see if any shit hits the fan. Especially with the rumors floating around of the sextape between the two of them.

Ugliest Dunk in the World Video

Who said that white men can't jump.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Listen To Your Woman....Or Someone Else Will

Lending An Ear
By: M. Breeze

It's a proven fact that a woman speaks 13,000 words a day while men only speak 2,000. What is it about women that makes them talk so much? How is it that a group of men can sit in a room watch TV not say a word to each other and have a blast? If you are a guy it's a good chance that you have a girl that you spend a majority of your time with and a greater chance that she talks non stop about nothing and everything. A majority of the time I bet you don't get to say anything but "for real".

It's a lot, but keep in mind fellas your only getting about 3,000 words a day from your spouse after you come home from work and have dinner and get ready for bed.. Now if you think that's a lot do you ever wonder where the other 10,000 words went to? Take a minute and look at her day.

She spends 8 hours a day at work. Who are her co-workers? While she was word vomiting to you about her job did you hear her mention who it is that she works with. Is it an all male crew? All female? Mixed? Did you even hear her say that? Do you know who she takes break with? Who she emails? Not trying to make you nervous really it's nothing to worry about she probably told you but you didn't hear her.

Now while you may have not been listening someone else has. Everyone knows the best way to find out about a house hold is to ask the woman. Now someone else has information about your household. It may not be much but as time passes a woman will reveal more and more about her family,sex life, finances and often compare them to the person that she is talking to on a daily basis. So now you have a co-worker that's getting 6,000 more words a day from your woman.....ever think about that?

My advice men is when your woman is talking to you stop for 2 minutes and listen to what she has to say. 97% of the time what she had to say was pointless anyway but you showed that you were willing to listen to her. And when we actually communicate back with them they seem to talk more because we are showing them attention, which is something they crave. So don't give anyone else the joy of having your woman talk to them keep 9,000 words for yourself and send her to work with the rest. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

U.S. Army Identifies Last Missing GI

After years of fighting in Iraq, which many Americans have split feelings about, the Army has brought home it's last G.I. Staff Sgt. Ahmed Altair, an Iraq born American raised soldier, was kidnapped after he left the "safety" of the green zone in Baghdad to meet his wife.

I'm glad that this war in Iraq is over and we can focus on stopping Afghanistan.

Monday, February 27, 2012

More Twitter Freaks (pics)

Why do they keep posting themselves on the internet? It beats my blue and I get major hits on my blog from the weekly update of the twitter girls. Very important life for the guys with daughters. Stay in thier lives and steer them right or they will be on the internet. Please pay attention:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ray J is Writing A Tell All Book About Kim Kardashian

Image Detail
By: M. Breeze
News have been going crazy seeing that the media superstar Kim Kardashian has yet another sextape out. And now the guy that made her famous is writing a tell all book about the trashy yet classy Kim K. Although Ray J. doesn't say her name directly he uses the initials K.K.

The R&B superstar tells how KK seduced him to have an affair behind the back of her first husband. And apperantly KK is mad at Ray J for airing out secrets that would have never ever been known.
Kim Was Paranoid about Ray J Cheating on Her
But the downside of Ray J’s relationship with KK (Kim Kardashian) was that she was jealous, insecure, and extremely paranoid, accusing him of cheating every woman he came in contact with.
Says Ray:
“She literally thought I was cheating with every girl I ran across.”
The end result was that KK wanted to know where Ray J was at all times, and even went so far as to tap his phone.
“She started going to extremes to monitor my behavior.”
Ray admitted that he did indeed cheat on KK (Kim Kardashian) during their relationship, but says KK cheated on him too.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Why Brothers Are Dating White Women

By: M. Breeze

You hear it all the time. What is she doing with him, why he wanna be with her. It's called hating and it's something that women do on a regular basis. The problem is that the women who are salty are the black women because they feel that white women are taking their men. Why are so many black men dating outside of their race? What is it that white women find attractive about black men? Is it the swag, the determination that he may have, or is it purely sexual? Let's dig to find out.

Interracial fucking is nothing new and we can trace it back to slavery. It's no secret that the slave owner would sleep with the female slaves at will, but a lot of people won't admit to the field hands sleeping with the slave master's wife. Think about it. Slaves were bred to be strong. Studies show that alot of white women are sexually unhappy with their relationship. So when the husband would go out of town it was quite common for the lady to sleep with her slaves, because the sex was simply better. Now let's fast forward a few hundred years. Black women, don't just sit there and hate on a white woman because she has her a man that you wish you had.

Don't wonder just ask. All men want a woman that's educated, has her shit together, and someone who can bring something to the table. A man wants to be treated with respect and not be nagged about where he has been or where he is going. Lets face it. It's a handful to deal with a black woman. Most men don't feel like going through the bullshit that comes along with dating a black woman. Sex may be good but most sisters aint sucking dick and letting you blow a load across their face, they ain't down with anal sex and if they are you ain't sticking it back in the pussy. Don't touch her hair unless you asking for trouble. Now ask a brother why he is dating a white woman and he'll tell you this. She has my back, I can fuck the shit out of her when ever I feel like it and I get head on command. What's not to like about that.

I'm not saying that white women have the best credit, but that's what the brothers think. If you ask around a majority of black men have been with a white women and don't look at them any differently than a black woman. Plain and simple most brothers are getting tired of all the bullshit that comes from dating within their race. Its hard to find a good black woman that has education, no baby daddys, single with a career. No one wants to marry a hood rat, but sometimes people settle for whats left. But some men are refusing to settle and are looking outside of their race. "Man it's hard to find a sister that has her shit together and who is single" said Marvin W., who is a clinical doctor with the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Am I Ugly Videos Go Viral

Insecure teenage girls are going to Youtube to post videos asking a simple question, "am I ugly or pretty". These girls are something else and I wonder where there parents are while they were making these videos.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why are you really mad at Obama?

What Are You Hating For?
By: M. Breeze

Our president inherited one of the worst economies in our country’s history, I don’t believe there is much argument there. Our president inherited two wars that finally now, after seven or eight years even Republicans are admitting was a terrible idea. He has ended one and has set a date to start withdrawal in 2014. We all know that the war in Iraq was a huge mistake but our last president had and still has too much pride to admit that. Let's pay attention for a moment and realize what President Obama has had to fix and admit that the problems that he was left with wasn't your typical turnover. That's like you taking a job from a person who has completely fucked the company and now everyone expects you to fix it! Give the man a break.
His foreign policy can't be touched, although the running Republicans feel that he is too soft on terrorists. And think about it, can we really place the unemployment rate on him alone? Alot of Americans are really "stupid" and we don't pay attention to what is going on around us. We believe what we are told and we run with it. Think of offshore outsourcing. You may not even know what it means but it may be the reason why you are not working right now. Companies are sending their factories overseas to slave I mean pay foreign workers at a much cheaper wage than they pay us here in the states. If that doesn't ring a bell then maybe you research it yourself. Obama has tried to stop this but congress won't allow this to happen. So what can you really do?
Since President Obama took office he has ended the war in Iraq, and has a end date for Afghanistan. The sad thing is that half of you don't know anyone that is serving in Afghanistan right now and that's sad. People don't realize that the wars cost over $1.2 trillion dollars, that's money that could be used to say "you know what, fuck the companies that are shipping American jobs overseas, and the companies that move their "headquarters" to other countries so they won't have to pay American taxes and place this money on creating companies that will pay Americans the type of money they need so they can support their families."
Don't forget that Bush was searching in the wrong place and Obama found what he was looking for. In 2001 Osama Bin Laden launched an attack on this country that affected each and everyone of us in someway. It sent me to Iraq, and sent others into bankruptcy. President Obama heard that the bitch was hiding in Pakistan, and like a president is supposed to, sent a squad to get his ass. Now how gangsta is that?

I often see the racist remarks that have been said about this man. I see the reporters on Fox new slander his name. I swear if the President forgot to zip up his pants Fox would act like it was the end of the world. So do you really hate Obama because of his politics or is it just programmed in you to hate his image? Hate who he has become? Maybe you hate how young black men now have the desire and motivation to be successful, or maybe you are too blind to even notice that. I just wish people would chill out with the racism for once. When the man goes right it has to suck to watch your government go left. He has tried to help this country, but this country won't let him.

So when I ask people why do you not like Obama most of them can't even answer. Mostly I hear "I just don't". So quit hating, if you don't want to vote for him then "just don't"