Monday, August 13, 2012

Chad Johnson Cut From The Miami Dolphins

It's not like we didn't see this coming
By: M. Breeze

Let's just get straight to the point here. We all know that Ochocinco is a person who will do whatever it takes to get in front of a camera, the man is a media whore.  I was laughing hard as hell when he proposed to his fiance Basket Ball Wives star (loosely said) Evelyn and she accepted. I honestly felt that the engagement was "arranged" so that the two could rake in the ratings with their own television show Ev and Ocho. So everything was going good until today. Apparently Evelyn found a receipt for a box of condoms and confronted Chad. I wasn't there but i'm pretty sure shit got real and he wind up head butting her and sent her to the hospital. I don't approve of domestic violence but when you have two people who are known for.....fucking try to settle down and be faithful to each other someone is bound to release the whore that lurks within. So you know what happens with domestic violence and Chad spends a few hours behind bars. OK, so now that's the story right? Wrong. While Chad was in jail his professional football team the Miami Dolphins was having practice. Chad was released on bail to find out that he was dropped from his team because of the incident. And now  after that their reality show has also been dropped. I could have told him that Evelyn was not a good fit for him but I think that the man was looking at the dollars involved with being married to her. In the words of a wise man "stupid is as stupid does" and I hope that these two get it together.           "Chad Ochocinco 24kt Gold Coin and Photo - Cincinnati Bengals" (Google Affiliate Ad)

1 comment:

  1. There are always two sides to a story. I am not a advocate for domestic violence, at all. Before we drop the gauntlet and condemn ocho, or is it Johnson,...let's look at both parties. Outside of chads need for public attention, he has not had one incident involving police or any other trouble. BUT his wife, on the other hand, has proven herself to be the aggressor in every altercation that she has found herself involved in. With that said, chad ultimately has to accept full responsibility for placing himself in a marriage that, well...come on now....didn't have a chance in Hell in lasting past 6 months. I guess we will have to wait until it goes to court to get the real story but I am more apt to believe she got "buck" figured she would head butt him to show she doesn't take no sh*t and got her wig split. Obviously see didn't think that one through. Did she not know how hard that man's head was or did her temper get the best of her, as usual. REgardless, she is the only one who will gain from any publicity (positive or negative) while his future is and forever shall be tainted. This is his bed, he chose to make it and now he must lay in it...until death or alimony do they part.

