Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why The Government Should Legalize Marijuana

It's 4-20 Somewhere
By: M. Breeze

It confuses me how the government allows someone to addicting sell pills to sick people but classify marijuana as a narcotic. Have you ever seen those old shows where they would hit the joint and start to act all crazy and shit. That's what you call propaganda. That's the same steps the taliban uses to recruit it prospects. How come you are allowed to buy cigarettes from legally but puffing a joint of natural organic grass is against the law. Why is it that someone can go through chemo-therapy and lose their appetite and the doctors would rather place them on some more dangerous medication, just so they can eat.

I'm no scientist but I've known of people to die from alcohol poisoning, drug overdoses, lung cancer, but not once has I nor you heard of anyone passing away from the effects of marijuana. The entire don't do drugs was started by the Reagan administration. Remember D.A.R.E? The school program that was supposed to keep kids away from drugs, but instead they introduced kids to drugs. Pay attention to what's going on around you. I specifically remembering the cop coming to our school and telling us that crack cocaine dealers made more money than marijuana dealers. What does that tell you. Put it like this. First off I'll tell you why Uncle Sam won't legalize Mary J. You can't put a tax on something that you can't control, point blank.

If the government says OK to marijuana, as long as they manufacture it and tax it, everyone will grow their own personal use plants. Why would we need to buy something that we can grow at our houses? Also if they legalize it, drug cartels in Central America will feel devastating effects financially and will try to import more cocaine and meth into the states. Think of how much money we can make as a country. How many jobs we would create, think of how fast our economy would bounce back to the way it was before 2007. I'm not going to get into detail on how much money we could make, just know that it would put us back on top. And if you think that we still are, put down your spliff and open your eyes man.
Roll one Light one and Fight for your right to party!

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