By: M. Breeze

One thing that I can promise you is the crap vegetables that you buy from your grocery store is doing more harm than good. Have you taken into consideration the chemicals that are used on these fruits and vegetables. Do you know the harm that these pesticides do to your body as well as the environment. Chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life for an extra couple of weeks to prevent spoilage. People buy these items and prepare them for their families thinking they are doing a good thing.
In order to protect yourself from a new generation of diseases that will stem from eating poisoned food you need to take charge of what you buy from these stores. The best way to prevent this is to grow your own food. You are the only person that you can trust to grow your food. Whether you have acres of land to plow or a city apartment patio you can make a difference. What is that you like? From seed broccoli takes 43 days before you can eat it and you can grow enough on a patio to last you for a year! So everyone eat safe, be fit and plant your own food.
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