By: M. Breeze
With the power of the Internet I cant help but notice how the crew of Str8 Up Radio is making noise. In a city where there are rappers trying to make it in the hip hop world there are few people who you can trust that will play your music to their listening audience. All that shit has changed. Thanks to Lamark "That Boy" Hill and Josh "J-Brad" Bradshaw, independent artists can now get their music played in a steady rotation.
I wouldn't blog about somebody if I thought that they were full of shit. I've personally known these cats for about 6 years now and I'm glad to see them doing their thing. Lamark "that boy" Hill Hails from the city of Coppers Cove Texas and is a veteran of the U.S. Army and served two tours in Iraq. The tatted up Josh "J-Brad Bradshaw comes stomping out of Baton Rouge La. and just like me that boy is a louisianimal. Streaming live on Thursday nights at 8, these dudes have a growing fan base that is quickly starting to spread around the country and thanks to 504dablogman they will now be internationally known on the microphone. If you are an independent artist and you wanna get your song out there, these are the dudes you want to do it for you. And how about this shit they sometimes call me from the show to get the Word on the Street. At the current time I am currently working on a song that I plan on releasing on the show and I already have a couple of features with That Boy Hill that we made years ago.
Make a long story short if you are an artist that is hungry and you serious about your career taking off you're looking in the right direction. Str8 Up Radio is the future of radio and these dudes are leading the way. Stay up my brothers and don't stop what y'all doing because the streets need you.
One love.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Eat all you want and don't gain a pound: Low Calorie foods that do the work for you
It seems like the last ten years everyone has tried all kinds of diets that result in rapid weight loss and then rapid weight gain. People now a days will advertise anything that they think will make people lose weight and consumers believe them. It kills me when people eat fast food on a daily basis and complain to the restaurant about how their food is making them and their families fat. I'm starting to wonder if people have forgotten about the fat free foods that God placed here for us. Just in case you have here is a list of vegetables and fruit that can have a serious effect on weight loss. You can eat all you want to and receive little calories while helping your body at the same time.
Apricots: Apricots are loaded with beta carotene which helps fight cancer and heart disease. Apricots are loaded with vitamins A, C and E. eating this food can lower your risk of macular degeration, which is the cause for age related vision loss.
Tomatoes: This vegetable can protect you against prostate cancer and eliminate free radicals that build up from exposure to u. v. rays.
Summer Squash: The one vegetable guaranteed to make you full. This vegetable has half the calories of its brother, winter squash.
Cucumbers: Loaded with vitamins A and K it also has a beneficial amount of potassium. There is also a nutrient called Sillica which helps to rebuild and maintain any connection tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons).
Asparagus: This vegetable has a very nice load of vitamins A, K and the folic acid vitamin B. The role of vitamin B is to help breakdown sugar and starch. It has been said that eating this can help to fend off type 2 diabetes.
Mushrooms: The ugly superfood! Digesting mushrooms helps your body to produce metabolites that boost your immune system and fight cancer.
Strawberries: One of the most anti-oxidants rich fruits that you can eat. 1 cup of strawberries gives us more than 100% of the recommended intake of vitamin C.
Broccoli: Quit hating because 1 cup of broccoli contains more fiber and vitamin C as an orange.
Cauliflower: I know that these are nasty but some people still do eat them. 1cup of boiled cauliflower has the full daily recommendation of vitamin C
Watermelon: If you are really interested in losing weight consider eating watermelon. Watermelon is loaded with a fat burning supplement called arginine. Arginine can seriously burn fat better than fat burners.
Spinach: I'm strong to the finish cuz I eats me spinach. Popeye is the reason why a lot of us started to eat spinach. Spinach has a bunch of nutrients that are good for our body. The list includes vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium. Spinach also has a hormone that allows muscle tissue to repair itself faster.
Celery: It's a proven fact that celery can relax the muscle tissue inside of our artery walls which will increase blood flow. This can lower your blood pressure.
Turnips: These are a good source of fiber, calcium and potassium. Turnips also carry cancer fighting glucosinolates.
Apricots: Apricots are loaded with beta carotene which helps fight cancer and heart disease. Apricots are loaded with vitamins A, C and E. eating this food can lower your risk of macular degeration, which is the cause for age related vision loss.
Tomatoes: This vegetable can protect you against prostate cancer and eliminate free radicals that build up from exposure to u. v. rays.
Summer Squash: The one vegetable guaranteed to make you full. This vegetable has half the calories of its brother, winter squash.
Cucumbers: Loaded with vitamins A and K it also has a beneficial amount of potassium. There is also a nutrient called Sillica which helps to rebuild and maintain any connection tissue (muscles, ligaments and tendons).
Asparagus: This vegetable has a very nice load of vitamins A, K and the folic acid vitamin B. The role of vitamin B is to help breakdown sugar and starch. It has been said that eating this can help to fend off type 2 diabetes.
Mushrooms: The ugly superfood! Digesting mushrooms helps your body to produce metabolites that boost your immune system and fight cancer.
Strawberries: One of the most anti-oxidants rich fruits that you can eat. 1 cup of strawberries gives us more than 100% of the recommended intake of vitamin C.
Broccoli: Quit hating because 1 cup of broccoli contains more fiber and vitamin C as an orange.
Cauliflower: I know that these are nasty but some people still do eat them. 1cup of boiled cauliflower has the full daily recommendation of vitamin C
Watermelon: If you are really interested in losing weight consider eating watermelon. Watermelon is loaded with a fat burning supplement called arginine. Arginine can seriously burn fat better than fat burners.
Spinach: I'm strong to the finish cuz I eats me spinach. Popeye is the reason why a lot of us started to eat spinach. Spinach has a bunch of nutrients that are good for our body. The list includes vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and selenium. Spinach also has a hormone that allows muscle tissue to repair itself faster.
Celery: It's a proven fact that celery can relax the muscle tissue inside of our artery walls which will increase blood flow. This can lower your blood pressure.
Turnips: These are a good source of fiber, calcium and potassium. Turnips also carry cancer fighting glucosinolates.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Juvenile Arrested In Miami After Lil Wayne Concert
Huh Bruh!
By: M. Breeze
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Former NBA star Eric Williams went H.A.M. on Evelyn Lozada on his Twitter account recently. These tweets were funny and I had to repost them for my peeps overseas.
#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYOTrouble in Chaddy-Dise!!!@EvelynLozadasay, are u gonna Keep the#lastname like your apprentice@IamJennifer trying 2do… Ha ha.. Gotcha!#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYOI guess@EvelynLozada really do like rough#sex.. a little over-board this time Chaddy… I said it..#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYOAt@evelynLozada, I bet ur ass wont be making any appearances… u can always come 2#KnoTingHam_Palace… We have the cure 4that#knot.
#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYO
New Show VH-1 ”2Bumps u Cant get enuf” Starring: Eric “Knot chO Cheese” Williams & Evelyn “Chad Head-Butted you” Lozada Who’s Watching???
#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYO
#The_UNseeN_BEinG @EricWilliamsYO“What? Condoms?? F**k u talkN bout” I miss 3 catches 2day dont start no sh*t@evelynLozada, Bammmmm! (head-butt) I told u quick F**kN
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Chad Johnson Loses Endorsement
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Ladies Show Your Man You Love Him
If I could recommend my two favorite Polo colognes these would be them. Take my word for it they smell great and they would make a good gift for any man. Click on the link to purchase or get any additional information.
If I could recommend my two favorite Polo colognes these would be them. Take my word for it they smell great and they would make a good gift for any man. Click on the link to purchase or get any additional information.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Chad Johnson Cut From The Miami Dolphins
It's not like we didn't see this coming
By: M. Breeze
Let's just get straight to the point here. We all know that Ochocinco is a person who will do whatever it takes to get in front of a camera, the man is a media whore. I was laughing hard as hell when he proposed to his fiance Basket Ball Wives star (loosely said) Evelyn and she accepted. I honestly felt that the engagement was "arranged" so that the two could rake in the ratings with their own television show Ev and Ocho. So everything was going good until today. Apparently Evelyn found a receipt for a box of condoms and confronted Chad. I wasn't there but i'm pretty sure shit got real and he wind up head butting her and sent her to the hospital. I don't approve of domestic violence but when you have two people who are known for.....fucking try to settle down and be faithful to each other someone is bound to release the whore that lurks within. So you know what happens with domestic violence and Chad spends a few hours behind bars. OK, so now that's the story right? Wrong. While Chad was in jail his professional football team the Miami Dolphins was having practice. Chad was released on bail to find out that he was dropped from his team because of the incident. And now after that their reality show has also been dropped. I could have told him that Evelyn was not a good fit for him but I think that the man was looking at the dollars involved with being married to her. In the words of a wise man "stupid is as stupid does" and I hope that these two get it together. "Chad Ochocinco 24kt Gold Coin and Photo - Cincinnati Bengals" (Google Affiliate Ad)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Why You Should Grow Your Own Vegetables
By: M. Breeze

One thing that I can promise you is the crap vegetables that you buy from your grocery store is doing more harm than good. Have you taken into consideration the chemicals that are used on these fruits and vegetables. Do you know the harm that these pesticides do to your body as well as the environment. Chemicals are sprayed on fruits and vegetables to extend the shelf life for an extra couple of weeks to prevent spoilage. People buy these items and prepare them for their families thinking they are doing a good thing.
In order to protect yourself from a new generation of diseases that will stem from eating poisoned food you need to take charge of what you buy from these stores. The best way to prevent this is to grow your own food. You are the only person that you can trust to grow your food. Whether you have acres of land to plow or a city apartment patio you can make a difference. What is that you like? From seed broccoli takes 43 days before you can eat it and you can grow enough on a patio to last you for a year! So everyone eat safe, be fit and plant your own food.
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