By: M. Breeze
You and your girlfriends are at the crib taking shots before you hit the club and you put on the skirt that's real short and you are ready to drop it like it's hot. You walk in your favorite spot and the club is banging, from wall to wall all you see is people dancing. You walk over to the bar and all of the fellows are looking at you. You get approached by a handsome guy who is your age but still lives at home with mom, or the guy who has so much child support debt until it's not even funny anymore. Deadbeats, guys with no goals, babie daddies and overall sad ass boys. And then you wonder, why can't I attract a good man. Here's why.
You have to keep it in mind ladies, us men are some of the simplest creatures on this planet. Feed us, fuck us, and stroke our ego and we will conquer the world. Every man (that has ambitions) has some kind of dream in life and he wants a good strong woman by his side. The problem is now a days men disrespect women so much that it's not healthy. But is the woman disrespecting her self first? I mean really, in the eyes of a man he will judge you off of first appearance, and this will continue to be our view of you until we get the chance to know you better. You know that they say the 1st impression is everything, and I think that it lasts a lifetime. With that said, if you catch a guys attention he will remember that for a while and how you presented yourself to him at that moment is very critical. If he sees you as a beautiful woman who is well kept, and looks like she is taking care of her self that is what he will judge you by. But at the same time if he sees a jump-off that is what he'll try to treat you as.
Trust me. All men don't want what society calls a "dime" because these are usually arm trophies that men show off with. It's more like a competition between men on who has the hotter chick on their arm at the time. But men can see past all the make up, the nails, the hair, the eyes and see who you really are. This is why sometimes it's not always the beauty that draws our attention. If you are over 24 as a man we start to look for motherly qualities in a woman and how we think she would react if she has a child. We also look at how you present yourself, do you care how you are viewed? We admire a woman who is smarter than us and we really want someone that motivates us. If the woman has an advanced degree 9 times out of 10 the man she is with will want to receive one also.
Some times lady you won't get that knight in shining armor like granny used to tell you. Prince Charming won't fall into your lap, especially in today's time. Have you ever grabbed a lump of coal and buffed it until you have a diamond? It's a lot of work I assure you because at one time I was the lump of coal until my wife molded me into the stud that I am today. By far, I was no lame cat at all. It's just I had no plans with myself. I left the military for school, 3 months before Hurricane Katrina hit and that ruined my plans, forcing me to move to Atlanta to start a new life. I wasn't sure about going back to school and worked the 9 to 5 for a few years but was going nowhere. My wife (girlfriend at the time) has her Civil Engineering degree and was making damn good money. I talked to her about college and she pumped my ego balloon up and told me I can finish college and I'll be damn. I'm almost done and I have plans to return to the military as an Officer. Can you see how I now have goals. And I'm taking my wife who won't have to work once I get in along for the ride. See how things can pay off for you. Find a good brother and see what his goals are and if he doesn't have any make some for him and push push push. Sooner or later we will become the man that you want us to be.
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