At least 14 bomb blasts have ripped through the Iraq capitol city this morning killing 60 people. The blasts are believed to be link to the departure of the American forces as well as the instability in the political government. The Iraqi government which consists of both Sunni and Shite Muslims who often don't agree with each other and I personally believe this may be the brink of a civil war in Iraq....again.
I wish America would realize that fighting in the middle east is like kicking over ant piles. We should stop now while we are ahead. EVERYONE knows the reason for invading Iraq was to kill Saddam, steal their oil, and kill the insurgents that were being supplied by the Iranian Government.
Believe me, America is on the verge of bringing war against Iran because of their "nuclear" weapons program. We strongly support Israel and they are already talking about war with Iran by Christmas or early January. If we did do this we can say goodbye to our economy and our way of life. Pay attention to the times of the world. Stay faithful.
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