After years of fighting in Iraq, which many Americans have split feelings about, the Army has brought home it's last G.I. Staff Sgt. Ahmed Altair, an Iraq born American raised soldier, was kidnapped after he left the "safety" of the green zone in Baghdad to meet his wife.
I'm glad that this war in Iraq is over and we can focus on stopping Afghanistan.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
More Twitter Freaks (pics)
Why do they keep posting themselves on the internet? It beats my blue and I get major hits on my blog from the weekly update of the twitter girls. Very important life for the guys with daughters. Stay in thier lives and steer them right or they will be on the internet. Please pay attention:

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Ray J is Writing A Tell All Book About Kim Kardashian
By: M. Breeze
News have been going crazy seeing that the media superstar Kim Kardashian has yet another sextape out. And now the guy that made her famous is writing a tell all book about the trashy yet classy Kim K. Although Ray J. doesn't say her name directly he uses the initials K.K.
The R&B superstar tells how KK seduced him to have an affair behind the back of her first husband. And apperantly KK is mad at Ray J for airing out secrets that would have never ever been known.
But the downside of Ray J’s relationship with KK (Kim Kardashian) was that she was jealous, insecure, and extremely paranoid, accusing him of cheating every woman he came in contact with.
Says Ray:
“She literally thought I was cheating with every girl I ran across.”The end result was that KK wanted to know where Ray J was at all times, and even went so far as to tap his phone.
“She started going to extremes to monitor my behavior.”Ray admitted that he did indeed cheat on KK (Kim Kardashian) during their relationship, but says KK cheated on him too.
Continue reading on Kim Kardashian’s sex secrets, infidelity history exposed in new tell-all book - National celebrity infidelity |
Friday, February 24, 2012
Why Brothers Are Dating White Women
By: M. Breeze
Interracial fucking is nothing new and we can trace it back to slavery. It's no secret that the slave owner would sleep with the female slaves at will, but a lot of people won't admit to the field hands sleeping with the slave master's wife. Think about it. Slaves were bred to be strong. Studies show that alot of white women are sexually unhappy with their relationship. So when the husband would go out of town it was quite common for the lady to sleep with her slaves, because the sex was simply better. Now let's fast forward a few hundred years. Black women, don't just sit there and hate on a white woman because she has her a man that you wish you had.
I'm not saying that white women have the best credit, but that's what the brothers think. If you ask around a majority of black men have been with a white women and don't look at them any differently than a black woman. Plain and simple most brothers are getting tired of all the bullshit that comes from dating within their race. Its hard to find a good black woman that has education, no baby daddys, single with a career. No one wants to marry a hood rat, but sometimes people settle for whats left. But some men are refusing to settle and are looking outside of their race. "Man it's hard to find a sister that has her shit together and who is single" said Marvin W., who is a clinical doctor with the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Am I Ugly Videos Go Viral
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Kim Kardashian's New Sextape
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Why are you really mad at Obama?
What Are You Hating For?
By: M. Breeze
His foreign policy can't be touched, although the running Republicans feel that he is too soft on terrorists. And think about it, can we really place the unemployment rate on him alone? Alot of Americans are really "stupid" and we don't pay attention to what is going on around us. We believe what we are told and we run with it. Think of offshore outsourcing. You may not even know what it means but it may be the reason why you are not working right now. Companies are sending their factories overseas to slave I mean pay foreign workers at a much cheaper wage than they pay us here in the states. If that doesn't ring a bell then maybe you research it yourself. Obama has tried to stop this but congress won't allow this to happen. So what can you really do?
Since President Obama took office he has ended the war in Iraq, and has a end date for Afghanistan. The sad thing is that half of you don't know anyone that is serving in Afghanistan right now and that's sad. People don't realize that the wars cost over $1.2 trillion dollars, that's money that could be used to say "you know what, fuck the companies that are shipping American jobs overseas, and the companies that move their "headquarters" to other countries so they won't have to pay American taxes and place this money on creating companies that will pay Americans the type of money they need so they can support their families."
Don't forget that Bush was searching in the wrong place and Obama found what he was looking for. In 2001 Osama Bin Laden launched an attack on this country that affected each and everyone of us in someway. It sent me to Iraq, and sent others into bankruptcy. President Obama heard that the bitch was hiding in Pakistan, and like a president is supposed to, sent a squad to get his ass. Now how gangsta is that?
I often see the racist remarks that have been said about this man. I see the reporters on Fox new slander his name. I swear if the President forgot to zip up his pants Fox would act like it was the end of the world. So do you really hate Obama because of his politics or is it just programmed in you to hate his image? Hate who he has become? Maybe you hate how young black men now have the desire and motivation to be successful, or maybe you are too blind to even notice that. I just wish people would chill out with the racism for once. When the man goes right it has to suck to watch your government go left. He has tried to help this country, but this country won't let him.
So when I ask people why do you not like Obama most of them can't even answer. Mostly I hear "I just don't". So quit hating, if you don't want to vote for him then "just don't"
Friday, February 17, 2012
Youtube Video of the Day
Check out the video of the day from
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Become A Pro At Eating Punanny
M. Breeze Teaches The Crowd
By: M. Breeze
Show me a woman who doesn't enjoy being ate out and I'll show you a liar. Show me a man that doesn't enjoy eating pussy and I'll show you an insecure child. Who doesn't love that natural scent that a woman gives off? Who doesn't want to eat pussy all day instead of working? Jump in face first, take our time and don't get too sloppy down there, your not making a porno.
Since not everyman is 6'4 and has a cock like a pringles can, eating pussy may be your best bet to make sure your partner gets what's deserved to her. An orgasm. But since I won't make a mold of my cock for the unpleased women of America, I've decided to teach my brothers out there how to eat some pussy and enjoy doing it.
Please keep in mind that each woman has a distinct smell, and taste. Don't expect one to smell like another. Don't expect Becky to taste like Tasha. Some men like that wild game scent while some men will only go down on a freshly showered pussy. Anyway, if you are into hygiene and just cant do it, tell her to take a shower with you and wash that thing for her. Make sure you lather up good so you can kill that scent.
2. Start from lips to lip
Lips to lips? Exactly, lips to lips. Don't just jump and dive in face first, instead show a little appreciation for the rest of her body. Start by kissing her nipples and working your way down. Don't rush past them but don't stay all day on this area. Try kissing the inner thighs, while letting the tip of your nose brush up against her clit. This is a good way to drive them crazy.
3. Use your hands
Our bodies can be stimulated just by someone touching us. Imagine how you can make her feel while you are using your hands to caress her. Focus on her breast, her thighs, and lift her ass up and bring it to your face and let her ride your tongue. Use a finger or two. You'll know your doing it right if you can hit her with at least a finger in her ass! Trust me fellows, the ladies like it.
4. Get busy.
Now you want to go to work on her clit. The key is to use your tongue and lips to suck and massage it gently. Don’t poke at it or press too hard. Go in circles, go up and down, flick back and forth lightly. There is no real “right” way to go down on a woman; just make it up as you go along and pay attention to what works. Vary your speed and pressure and see what she responds to. When you hit the right groove, you’ll probably know it because she’ll grab the back of your head and clamp her thighs around your ears like a vice. But to be on the safe side, ask her beforehand to let you know what she likes. Once you hit her hot spot, there’s no need to rush; just keep her engine revving. Feel free to explore some other techniques or positions before you take her over the top.
The ABCs.
This is perhaps the most common tip when you eat pussy: use your tongue to trace the letters of the alphabet on her clit. Some people swear by it. Personally, I don’t recommend it. I don’t think it’s a good technique. Also, it’s too much of a distraction, and if she catches you humming the Alphabet Song under your breath, you’re busted. You should be paying attention to her, not what comes after Q.
Let her Ride
Yep, let her sit on your face and tell her to feel free to go wild. She will be able to reach the "Big O" and you will get the show of your life What more can you ask for?
So I hope my brothers will take my advice and do it right. Ask her what she likes but don't seem like you have no clue what you are doing. Practice makes perfect.
And fellows maybe next week I'll show you how to find the G-spot. Or the do as I say spot.
Why The Government Should Legalize Marijuana
It's 4-20 Somewhere
By: M. Breeze
It confuses me how the government allows someone to addicting sell pills to sick people but classify marijuana as a narcotic. Have you ever seen those old shows where they would hit the joint and start to act all crazy and shit. That's what you call propaganda. That's the same steps the taliban uses to recruit it prospects. How come you are allowed to buy cigarettes from legally but puffing a joint of natural organic grass is against the law. Why is it that someone can go through chemo-therapy and lose their appetite and the doctors would rather place them on some more dangerous medication, just so they can eat.
I'm no scientist but I've known of people to die from alcohol poisoning, drug overdoses, lung cancer, but not once has I nor you heard of anyone passing away from the effects of marijuana. The entire don't do drugs was started by the Reagan administration. Remember D.A.R.E? The school program that was supposed to keep kids away from drugs, but instead they introduced kids to drugs. Pay attention to what's going on around you. I specifically remembering the cop coming to our school and telling us that crack cocaine dealers made more money than marijuana dealers. What does that tell you. Put it like this. First off I'll tell you why Uncle Sam won't legalize Mary J. You can't put a tax on something that you can't control, point blank.
If the government says OK to marijuana, as long as they manufacture it and tax it, everyone will grow their own personal use plants. Why would we need to buy something that we can grow at our houses? Also if they legalize it, drug cartels in Central America will feel devastating effects financially and will try to import more cocaine and meth into the states. Think of how much money we can make as a country. How many jobs we would create, think of how fast our economy would bounce back to the way it was before 2007. I'm not going to get into detail on how much money we could make, just know that it would put us back on top. And if you think that we still are, put down your spliff and open your eyes man.
Roll one Light one and Fight for your right to party!
legalize marijuana,
mary jane,
Stupid Twitter Girls

Saturday, February 11, 2012
Who needs a girl? Have sex with your Ipad
Pussy Pad
By: M. Breeze
Ok you all, this is just crazy. Men watch porn, I know this but now they have taken it to an all time high. Some guy has created a va jay jay that can now strap on to the back of your Ipad. Now you can pretend you are having sex with your favorite pornstar and you won't have to wack off. It can't be this serious can it? Seriously, get laid man! There is somebody for everybody and if your just shit out of luck visit your local strip club. About 60 bucks and you will be in the game.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Blu Cantrell Speaks on Relationship with Jay Z
Blu Cantrell Speaks on Relationship with Jay Z
By: M. Breeze
R&B singer Blu Cantrell is starting to speak about her relationship with Rapper Jay Z. A lot of people don't know about the relationship between the two. She admits that the two of them were in love with each other and had a very serious relationship. This is the lady whom Jigga dated before he dated Beyonce. Some people have even took it two Twitter by asking the singer if the baby Blue Ivey was named after her. I know it may be petty, but it makes you think.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Don Cornelius Commits Suicide
Soul Train Legend Dead at 75
By: M. Breeze
The Soul Train legend Don Cornelius has committed suicide today at his home in Sherman Oaks, California. Police responded to a gun shot call and found Cornelius, 75, dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head. The latest news that we know about the Soul Train legend was that he was divorced in 2009 and word has it that he had health issues. Even though I personally look at suicide as a weakness that I highly disapprove of, I will set my personal beliefs aside. Don Cornelius will be missed and we thank him for his service to the ones who love music.
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